Saturday, February 12, 2011


What is up with these crazy gas and oil prices? I myself think the Government is keeping it up to "control" the people anything we do has a price on it (excuse me a tax on it),but i think if people would be willing not to buy oil or gas products and i could spread that word around, only buy when necessarily needed don't go anywhere you don't need to go.If your lucky to have a job to go to do your shopping to or from work I know that sounds bad but if you don't buy it they wont sell it and it will start to back up,I don't think theres a shortage on oil because too much gets wasted by oil spills. Since BP lost a lot of oil and money they jack up the price and to help out all the other oil companies raise theirs also, it don't cost no more to produce it today then it did 20 years ago actually it should be cheaper with all the new technology we have today. Then next is the food prices have you been to a grocery store lately? My gosh its getting hard to afford anything what are the jobless and low budgeted people suppose to do? Go hungry? No lets rob a bank or other people and take what they want ,they have no choice they're gonna survive one way or another especially if they have a family, something has got to give, American people need to stand up and say we've had enough and were not gonna take it anymore bring back our factories and mills start buying American products again, if other countries dont buy our products dont buy theirs, why should they get rich off of us lets be strong the way America should be instead of depending on them wake the f#*k up people

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